Saturday, February 23, 2013

Heigh Ho! Heigh Ho!

I am back!! It has been a few weeks... Things just got in the way and I hadn't found the time or energy to get on. (I apologize) Also I am on my phone so I hope this comes out normal looking on the computer, I will fix fonts and ect. later on the computer.
Anywho, I just needed to get on and write a few things and update everyone on how my life is going, and all that jazz!

The first week I missed writing was due to the fact I was swamped with my sister's baby shower I was helping throw! It went quite well, in my opinion, but could have always gone better! It was nice to be apart of that aspect of my nephews birth since I didn't get that with my first nephew. (Iowa is a little far!) I am so excited for my new nephew to make his appearance, it should be any day now and I am just so antsy about it... Haha. I love that little thing so much already and he isn't even born!!! How crazy!? For those who don't know my nephew's name is Samuel James, cute right??, and he is the son to my oldest sister, Sarah, and her husband, Anthony! I couldn't be anymore excited for them, and this new step in their life! I feel so silly being this excited about him being born but I guess if I wasn't this excited what kind of Auntie would I be?? Lol. Well Little Samuel please come soon, I want to be able to hug you and kiss you and give you my little gift! :D (will add photos later, apparently you can't from my phone)

What else happened while I was away? I didn't even keep track these last few weeks either so this might be shorter then I thought? Haha.

Something I have discovered these last few weeks, my dog has attachment issues! Lol I can't even use the restroom without him freaking out on me that I have left him alone. What a dork! If any of you know my dog, Flynn, he is quite the hyper little fella! Well lately he is getting better, when people come over he doesn't attack them and want to give them love as much, it is nice! I hate that he gets all crazy, and jumps all over everyone... Crazy puppy. But Tony told me he was told buy his lady he did a job appointment for that it takes a dog a full year to be fully trained, idk if that is true but if so good I got a half a year! Haha. One thing we did recently purchase, that worked amazing to stop Flynn from chewing on everything, is this spray called Pruvens- Bitter Apple, $5 at Target. It has no scent, though lately I can sort of smell apple which is fine, and you just spray things your dog would normally chew on and it stops them! Obviously not all dogs react that way to the spray but Flynn did! We tested it first with an old headphone set that was broken. We sprayed it then laid it on the floor by his bed area over night. In the morning we check the headphones and they weren't even touched! We did notice that he will sometimes go to something that he normally would but now sprayed and will pick it up but then will drop It immediately! It is seriously like a miracle spray... Just wish we had found it earlier!! One thing down, next to fix the peeling on the couch! We are debating putting a baby gate sort of deal up in our hall so he has access to that and the bathroom. We can't have him barking all day otherwise I would put him in a crate, and train him that way. (Maybe one day!)

Next, I am trying on getting my motivation up and going! I am tired of just relaxing all day, I need to get my butt up and clean more!! That is what sucks about an apt... Literally I will clean and get my home spotless then as soon as tony or I put 2-4 things on the table or counter it looks like a complete disaster again. It's crazy how a few things on a counter can make a whole apartment look dirty, haha. It makes me so irritated! Also I am trying to get us both in the habit of washing dishes as we go, or putting them in the dishwasher to get full so it can be ran. I need to think of cute sign to make that says "Dirty Dishes" and on the back it say "Clean Dishes". (Ideas?? Anyone?) I am just hoping that will help! The other thing I suck at is laundry... Oh my goodness I hate laundry! It looks battle field when I do laundry... There is clothes everywhere, I am tired and feel like collapsing in the piles clothes... and then I have Flynn who likes to drag pieces of clothes away slowly and then he has a pile of his victims under the table or by his little bed! It is crazy... And I feel like it is never ending, oh wait that is because it IS never ending. How do two people where so much clothes?!?! Lol... It could be worse I guess. The last thing I need to work on is vacuuming constantly! If I don't vacuum every other day Flynn seems to find some piece of trash he wants to eat, and that isn't good, so I really need to get into gear and vacuum more! (But on the plus side my vacuum works again! It wasn't sucking up anything and I fixed it a few weeks ago. Well it worked at first, just not as well as I would have hoped, so I thought maybe cleaning the filters would help. I rinsed them like the directions said and let them dry some. Then I put the filters back in the vacuum damp but it said let them dry for 24 hrs. Little did I know it meant out of the vacuum!! I tried to use the vacuum for a week and it did not work at all... Finally I realized the issue took the filters out, blow dried them and my vacuum works again! Woot woot!)
So that is my goal to keep my home a little cleaner for a more peaceful environment:)

(Random moment: Flynn is laying next to me, while I am Blogging, and he is dreaming, but is quietly barking and kicking in his sleep like he does when he plays with Tony and I. Haha It is so cute and hilarious!)

Ok back on track, what else to tell you all?!?!

Oh! So I have been going back to the gym for about 3 weeks now!! It is nice:) I am really really enjoying having Tony show me how to work out and use different machines to my benefit and how to use free weights! He is sort of like my personal trainer, since he works out with a his own trainer in the AM and is sore at night we normally do some cardio together (along with our friend Jed!) for either 30-60mins depending on the day,
then he becomes my trainer after that!! Let me tell you, it is AWESOME :D I just love having him support me and to help me get fit and in shape! It is something we get to do together and something we both love so it is so great! :) Some days I wish I didn't go but I know once I am there I don't want to leave because it feels so good to be working out and getting that healthy part of my life back! I hate that part of marriage where people find it ok to gain weight because you don't have to "impress" anyone anymore. How crazy... You should live to impress your husband or wife! Personally I love Tony no matter what, but I also love him more fit and healthy. Even for myself, I love me when I feel like I am healthy, skinny and in shape! :)

Well I think that is it! I have to get ready for work in 2 hours, then I will be up all night working until possibly 2am! Heigh ho! Heigh ho! off to work I go!!! Yaaaaayyyy.... But hey on the brightside, 4 DAYS until I go to DISNEYLAND! Woooooooooooh! I am excited for this little vacation, just sad tony has to stay home and work:( That totally sucks!!!
I will try and remember more stuff that happened and post soon, oh and I will put pics up as soon as I can as well! Goodbye my friends, hope your weekend goes by slow! :)

With love <3
Erin Chavez